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3 Things Thursday: Week 7



It’s time for #3ThingsThursday, a fun weekly linkup hosted by Salma at The Write Balance, Raj at Pink Chai Living, and Nisha at Live Laugh Mirch! Join these three ladies as they share their 3 things and make sure to check out some of the other talented bloggers linking up this week!

canada day

In honour of Canada’s 148th birthday yesterday, I’m sharing the three things that I love the most about Canada!

1. Medicare

Does that seem like an obvious one to you? Then you’re definitely a Canadian reading this!

Thank you, Tommy Douglas. This is something I think about and am thankful for all the time! Being prego, I’m slightly terrified at the idea of crossing the border until the baby arrives. I don’t think I’m alone in this either! You probably remember the story of the Jennifer Huculak, the woman from Saskatchewan who gave birth on vacation in Hawaii while 6 months pregnant and ended up with a medical bill approaching $1 million!

For now, I think I’ll stay on this side of the border!

2. Our Symbols

You prefer the strong and fierce bald eagle from the south? Or maybe you like the cute koala or bouncy kangaroo from Australia? Well friends, my favourite national symbols are the light-hearted, colourful, and simple Canadian symbols.

Our flag? Big, red, maple leaf. Why? Well, we have lots of maple trees! (Okay, I do know that this is a massive simplification of the flag’s history and totally disregards the symbolism of the colours, but you can’t argue over our flags simplicity!)canadian money

Our money? Colourful. Monopoly money, if you may.

Our national animals? The unsuspecting beaver.

Even the borders (both the international and internal borders) are mostly simple, straight lines drawn onto our map, evidence of the lack of conflict and wars in and around Canada.

We’re simple people, folks. No complications for us. We like our simple, bright, and truthful symbols the way they are.

3. Canadian English

Yep, it’s such a thing. It’s the reason colour should always be spelled with a ‘u’ (like the British taught us), tire is not tyre (like the Americans taught us), and when I say homo milk I’m not actually insulting anyone.

Canadian English is a unique brand, mixing elements of American English, British English, French, and Native languages, with some original Canadian lexicon thrown in to boot. It’s quirky, fun, and represents something that’s truly Canadian.

Some of my favourite Canadian words:

Toque – winter/knit hat
Chesterfield (okay, I never actually use this word…) – sofa, couch
Freezies – ice treat served in a long plastic bag (no stick)
Give’r – try as hard as you can
Skookum – great, amazing

For more Canadian words and phrases, check out this comprehensive list by Jules Sherred!

canada toque

What’s your favourite thing about the place you live?

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